As you start living your life according to the principles of law of attraction, it will soon become clear to you what action you need take to get what you want.
Initially, do not worry too much about what action to take, where to start and don’t be in a hurry to ‘get into the action’. The important thing is to first get very clear about what is it that you really want? – what is your goal?. Then think about the best possible options.
Remember, intelligent questions get intelligent answers. Once you have identified what you want – ask what will it take to get it – and keep asking that, until the path to act becomes clearer to you. It will appear as an inspiration. That is the moment to go ahead and act. At that moment you will not even feel you are exerting yourself – it will all go through smoothly, you will not have to struggle at all.
Think of being successful first and act later. Think you are already successful and think about other successful people and what they would have done if they were in your place? How would they have acted?
The law of attraction seems to work best when we use the power of intention in relation to a specific goal or target. If you state vaguely what you want (e.g. I want lots of money) it may take you a long time in getting somewhere. But the more specific you are about what you want – the more effective your power of intention will be to manifest it. When you plan and act, do so in relation to a specific purpose. Even if you don’t get what you want – you will still get something even better.
Walk before you run. Develop your power in steps. For instance if you want money, then instead for jumping straight to desiring millions in wealth, start with an amount that seems more achievable to you, achieve that first, gain confidence and go for a higher target next time.
It is more productive to be creative than to be competitive. Do not try to achieve your objectives by trying to deprive others. You can literally create things out of nothing by the creative power of intention – so why do you need to snatch anything from others? Have faith that God has created enough for all of us and that no one can stop your share from reaching you.
You don’t have to wait for the ideal conditions to exist before you can start working towards your goal. Start now, where you are, holding faith about your definite purpose, and you will see people and things start appearing in your life that will make your goals easy to achieve.
If you don’t like the profession you are in, keep working in it, while visualizing the ideal that you want - and you will soon find yourself doing what you want to do. The trick is not to stop acting where you are – the trick is to continue intending and visualizing what you want until the path to achievement becomes visible.
Simply believing in the laws isn't enough. Neither is understanding them. Knowledge is NOT power. It is potential power. If it was just about knowledge, then every bookworm in the world would be wealthy.
Yes, universal laws can absolutely change your life. They've ALREADY been shaping your life since the beginning. These forces already work in perfection whether you've been aware of them or not.
To know how much your own use of the law has affected you, look at the current results in your life. How's your health? How are your finances? Are you in a relationship that brings you happiness and joy? Does your work inspire you with purpose and passion?
If you're not happy with all aspects of your life, then you need to align yourself with these laws by taking a series of specific steps. We are not talking about motivation here, but about transformation. The difference between the two is the difference between feeling absolutely terrific (but then doing nothing about it, or making some key changes that create a lifetime transformation.
Excerpts from what others have said about action and how it relates to universal and natural law of attraction . . .
Wallace D. Wattles – (The Science of Getting Rich – 1910)
By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.
Man must not only think, but his personal action must supplement his thought.
By thought you can cause the gold in the hearts of the mountains to be impelled toward you; but it will not mine itself, refine itself, coin itself into double eagles, and come rolling along the roads seeking its way into your pocket.
Under the impelling power of the Supreme Spirit, men’s affairs will be so ordered that some one will be led to mine the gold for you; other men’s business transactions will be so directed that the gold will be brought toward you, and you must so arrange your own business affairs that you may be able to receive it when it comes to you.
You are not to take it as charity, nor to steal it; you must give every man more in use value than he gives you in cash value
When things reach you, they will be in the hands of other men, who will ask an equivalent for them. And you can only get what is yours by giving the other man what is his. Whatever your action is to be, it is evident that you must act NOW. You cannot act in the past, and it is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind. You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet. And you cannot tell how you will want to act in any future contingency until that contingency has arrived.
Because you are not in the right business, or the right environment now, do not think that you must postpone action until you get into the right business or environment.
And do not spend time in the present taking thought as to the best course in possible future emergencies; have faith in your ability to meet any emergency when it arrives. If you act in the present with your mind on the future, your present action will be with a divided mind, and will not be effective. Put your whole mind into present action
Do not wait for a change of environment, before you act; get a change of environment by action. You can so act upon the environment in which you are now, as to cause yourself to be transferred to a better environment.
Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.
If you are engaged in some business, and feel that it is not the right one for you, do not wait until you get into the right business before you begin to act.
Do not feel discouraged, or sit down and lament because you are Misplaced Hold the vision of yourself in the right business, with the purpose to get into it, and the faith that you will get into it, and are getting into it; but ACT in your present business.
Use your present business as the means of getting a better one, and use your present environment as the means of getting into a better one.
Your vision of the right business, if held with faith and purpose, will cause the Supreme to move the right business toward you; and your action, if performed in the Certain Way, will cause you to move toward the business.
Your vision and faith will set the creative force in motion to bring it toward you, and your action will cause the forces in your own environment to move you toward the place you want.
You must do ALL that you can do where you are. You can advance only by being larger than your present place; and no man is larger than his present place who leaves undone any of the work pertaining to that place.
You cannot foresee the results of even the most trivial act; you do not know the workings of all the forces that have been set moving in your behalf. Much may be depending on your doing some simple act; it may be the very thing which is to open the door of opportunity to very great possibilities.
You can never know all the combinations which Supreme Intelligence is making for you in the world of things and of human affairs; your neglect or failure to do some small thing may cause a long delay in getting what you want. Do, every day, ALL that can be done that day.
You are not to overwork, nor to rush blindly into your business in the effort to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible time. You are not to try to do tomorrow’s work today, nor to do a week’s work in a day. It is really not the number of things you do, but the EFFICIENCY of each separate action that counts.
Do, every day, all that you can do that day, and do each act in an efficient manner.
Successful action is cumulative in its results. Since the desire for more life is inherent in all things, when a man begins to move toward larger life more things attach themselves to him, and the influence of his desire is multiplied.
You can get rich in ANY business, for if you have not the right talent for it you can develop that talent; it merely means that you will have to make your tools as you go along, instead of confining yourself to the use
You will get rich most easily in point of effort, if you do that for which you are best fitted; but you will get rich most satisfactorily if you do that which you WANT to do
And it is certain that you can do what you want to do; the desire to do it is proof that you have within you the power which can do it.
If there are past mistakes whose consequences have placed you in an undesirable business or environment, you may be obliged for some time to do what you do not like to do; but you can make the doing of it pleasant by knowing that it is making it possible for you to come to the doing of what you want to do.
If you feel that you are not in the right vocation, do not act too hastily in trying to get into another one. The best way, generally, to change business or environment is by growth. Do not be afraid to make a sudden and radical change if the opportunity is presented, and you feel after careful consideration that it is the right opportunity; but never take sudden or radical action when you are in doubt as to the wisdom of doing so.
When you get out of the competitive mind you will understand that you never need to act hastily. No one else is going to beat you to the thing you want to do; there is enough for all. If one space is taken, another and a better one will be opened for you a little farther on; there is plenty of time.
When you are in doubt, wait. Fall back on the contemplation of your vision, and increase your faith and purpose; and by all means, in times of doubt and indecision, cultivate gratitude.
A day or two spent in contemplating the vision of what you want, and in earnest thanksgiving that you are getting it, will bring your mind into such close relationship with the Supreme that you will make no mistake when you do act.
Do all that you can do in a perfect manner every day, but do it without haste, worry, or fear. Go as fast as you can, but never hurry. Remember that in the moment you begin to hurry you cease to be a creator and become a competitor; you drop back upon the old plane again.
Whenever you find yourself hurrying, call a halt; fix your attention on the mental image of the thing you want, and begin to give thanks that you are getting it. The exercise of GRATITUDE will never fail to strengthen your faith and renew your purpose.
Begin this way of thinking and acting, and your faith and purpose will make you quick to see any opportunity to better your condition. Such opportunities will speedily come, for the Supreme, working in All, and working for you, will bring them before you.
Do not wait for an opportunity to be all that you want to be; when an opportunity to be more than you are now is presented and you feel impelled toward it, take it. It will be the first step toward a greater opportunity. There is no such thing possible in this universe as a lack of opportunities for the man who is living the advancing life.
Do not concern yourself with questions as to how you shall surmount obstacles which may loom upon your business horizon, unless you can see plainly that your course must be altered today in order to avoid them. No matter how tremendous an obstruction may appear at a distance, you will find that if you go on in the Certain Way it will disappear as you approach it, or that a way over, though, or around it will appear.
But if you hold to your faith you will find that the failure is only apparent. Go on in the certain way, and if you do not receive that thing, you will receive something so much better that you will see that the seeming failure was really a great success.
You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now.
Joe Vitale – (Spiritual Marketing, The Attractor Factor – 1999, 2005)
You usually still have to do something to achieve your dreams. That something might be as little as answering the phone. Or making a call. Or buying a book. Or joining an association. Or answering an e-mail. I have no idea what that action will be for you to achieve your dream. But you usually have to do something, however small or large a step. But the magic answer to the question of what action to do next is this: You want to take what I call “Inspired Action.”
Inspired Action is any action you take based on an inside nudge. In other words, an Inspired Action is when you suddenly get a desire to drive to the store. You may have no idea why you need to go to the store right now. But something within you is urging you out the door. Follow that hunch. It may lead you to your goal. At the store, you may meet the right person. Or find the right product. Or pick up the right magazine that will lead you to completing your dream
Here’s how to make Inspired Action work for you:
1. Set an intention. An intention is your declaration about your dream, or goal, that you want to be, do, or have. This is your request of your subconscious, unconscious, and the universe itself. The clearer your intention, the better your results.
2. Follow your hunches. Watch the signals. Listen to your intuition. If you get a desire to make a plan of action, so be it. Do it. But if you get a desire to go for a walk, or to watch television, or to surf the web, then do that. You never know where your
Inspired Action will take you, but because you set an intention (Step One), your intuition will find a shortcut to your dreamsInspired Action works because your ego can only see limited terrain while the universe can see it all. Your ego might say, “Write a business plan.” Inspired Action comes from the bigger picture, which you can’t always see until you’ve taken the actions you’re being inspired to take.
3. Finally, the more you can quiet your mind, still your thoughts, and relax your body, the more you will hear the inner voice nudging you in the direction of your dreams. When it speaks, move.
Do it, and you’ll find amazing new shortcuts direct to the fulfillment of your stated desires. It’s an easy path, more fun, more relaxed, and usually more profitable, than planned action and constant struggle. Try it and see
Money comes to those who act fast. If you think, wonder, question, doubt, plan, meet, discuss, or in any other way drag your feet, money goes to the next person in line. When you get an inspired nudge to take action, then take action. Don’t wait. Act. Act right now. And there’s the secret: You maintain your overall goal and you move toward it, always being sensitive to something better being offered, but you are not attached to the outcome, either.
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